Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jalan Sehat

Aku kirim foto jalan sehat tadi pagi yaa, ga banyak sih..
Waktu jalan sehatnya aku kehilangan ibu.. jadi ya ga ada foto ibu waktu jalan (padahal aku disuruh jagain ibu sama mbak win.. hiks), terus lagi fotonya banyak yang ga focus.. maklum tukang foto amatiran hehehe..
Ga dapat hadiah.. tapi seneng banget ketemu banyak teman lama.. hadiah utamanya kena bu Pitoyo tetangga sebelah rumah.. ikut seneng juga soalnya kan dari tahun ke tahun RT 7 ga pernah ada yang dapat hadiah utama.. baru kali ini...

Friday, August 29, 2008

And This's The Yellow Rice...

Well, for those of you who don't know it yet, it's called tumpeng...

(anyway, why''d I upload lots of foods picture in the beginning of fasting month? :-) )


There's a custom in Java to make yellow rice and apem (Javanese traditional cake) at the begini of Ramadan... and as always, my mother made them also this year and my sister sent me the pics (well, the cakes in the picture are not only apem actually...)

Too bad I'm not home at that time... :-)